Quite often, people are faced with the problem of nail fungus. There are folk recipes that can help you quickly cure fungus at home. Treatment of nail fungus on the toe nails takes some time, but, most importantly, not to miss the treatment.

How to cure nail fungus at home
Nail fungus is a common infection in our world. Treated this disease long enough, sometimes up to 12 months. The defeat of the nail is resumed a few times a year. The fungus is of several types, but he manifests himself the same way. The nail becomes yellow, bad odor. If you do not take any measures, the nail plate will be completely destroyed. Many people wonder how to cure fungus of the toenails and if this is possible. If treatment is started on time, the stage of the disease is not running, cure fungus toenail at home quite quickly. There are different ways and recipes in folk medicine. Practice proves that traditional medicine is really effective. Treatment of nail fungus at home folk remedies — quick way to get rid of this unpleasant disease.
It is important not to allow the disease to progress. For a person with this disease is quite dangerous, because its background of developing other diseases. If the immune system is weakened, infection is rapidly spreading to internal organs. Fungal diseases cause lesions, poisoning the body of various toxins.
Drugs for rapid treatment of nail fungus
If you suspect the disease you must consult a doctor. If the specialist diagnosed the disease, in this case, the assigned treatment. There are many ways to overcome the yeast fungus. The list of medicines that help to get rid of the disease:
- Medical varnish used for the treatment of fungal infection. Effective means can be quickly cured even launched the fungus. Medication is always assigned to only courses. Disease will be held in one month.
- Serum. After applying this solution on the surface of the plate is formed an unfavorable environment for the development of infection. Term use of serum depends on the extent of damage of the nail.
- The medication comes in the form of a spray, cream or gel. Drug appointed with extensive lesions of the nail plate. Effective drug for the treatment of fungus toenails. Applied no more than twice a day. Before applying the nail definitely processed and dried.
If after the application of external remedies nail fungus continues to progress, in this case, assigned to oral drugs. Tablets have the same properties as gels. They are able to stop the development of fungal infection.

Folk remedy to nail fungus
Fast cure for nail fungus on your feet will help folk remedies. If the disease is already at an advanced stage, in this case, turn to the experts: the mycologist or a dermatologist. Each of them will conduct a survey and prescribe treatment to the patient. If the disease is in the early stages of development, to bring the infection can at home. There are many effective recipes that can help get rid of the disease in a short time.
The mixture of alcohol and garlic
Perhaps the most effective and efficient treatment for toenails at home is garlic. Slices peel. After that, the garlic should turn into a mush and pour the alcohol. The proportion taken in the ratio 1:1. The result is a healing mixture for the treatment of the affected area once a day.
You can also simply squeeze out the garlic juice and add a small pinch of salt. In the resulting solution wetted cotton and applied to the nail overnight. After 10 days, recorded a positive result of treatment.
Acetic acid
The action of acetic acid very similar to the action of garlic. Need to take glass container and fill it with acetic acid. After that, it drops an egg. The vessel should leave in a dark place, where you will not be able to penetrate the sun's rays. You must wait until the egg is completely dissolved in acid. Only then can we benefit from the medicinal ointment. The tool significantly accelerates the healing of the patient's nail.
Everyone in the house has iodine that helps in the case if there is a running nail fungus. Feet should be well washed and dried. After that nails should anoint with iodine and wait until it is completely absorbed. After this procedure, the legs should be placed in a hot bath. In order to quickly cure the disease, it will be enough to spend only a few such procedures. But the method of treatment is the negative side: when you apply the iodine solution pain is felt.

The plant horseradish has many medicinal properties, which handle even a fungal infection. Torn sheet of horseradish grind in a meat grinder. The resulting mass is applied on the sore spot until then, until it grows back completely healthy nail, and will not go the "old" mold.
Kombucha is not only can make a delicious and healthy beverage but also a medicine. It helps to remove even chronic yeast. Pieces of the fungus apply to affected nail plate and wrap with cellophane or plastic bag. You can leave it on all night or clean in two hours. It all depends on the degree of destruction of the nail.
Birch tar
It is quite affordable tool made of birch resin. Resin birch is dissolved in vodka. Before application of the drug it well stirred. It is recommended to tape the finger after the procedure, as this feature is quite easily soiled.
Baths on the basis of salt and soda
In the basin are gaining warm water and dissolve it in baking soda together with salt in equal proportions. The legs leave in water for 20 minutes. During this time, the feet are well dry, and nails are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
Alcohol and propolis
Perfect remedy in folk medicine, is effective in the treatment of disease, the propolis. Properties of bee glue affect its healing power. In order to use when treating fungus, you need to dissolve the bee glue in alcohol. In this case, propolis is maximally manifest as the "doctor" from nail fungus. The resulting tool heat up to 20 degrees and then apply on the affected plate.
The powder with sour cream
Sour cream mix with smokeless powder and apply the mixture on the affected nail. The tool will help to cope with progressive disease in no time. Repeat the procedure twice a week.
Feet at the time of treatment should be clean and dried.
This solution is absolutely in every home, but used it all different. A small piece of gauze or cotton wet in the solution and apply to the affected area. After that, the finger should rewind the bandage. After removing the bandage leg spread with cream.
Recommendations doctors

Dermatologists argue that in treating the ailment it's best in the hospital. This is a dangerous disease that has a number of undesirable consequences. In traditional medicine use only quality products. As soon as the first symptoms should immediately consult a doctor to consult and get help. Many folk recipes useful and effective, but they should appoint a doctor.
To alleviate the patient's condition and prevent disease by following. following rules:
- After visiting public places swimming pools, saunas, baths, you need to wash your feet.
- Wear only socks made of cotton, allow the foot to breathe. Also, this material absorbs moisture, so that the foot does not sweat. Long wearing closed shoes sweaty feet creates a favorable environment for life and reproduction of various bacteria. Synthetic in this case will only contribute to the development of infection.
- Feet always need to keep dry. If socks become damp, they definitely need to change.
- In any case, you cannot change clothes, clothes with other people. This is the first rule of personal hygiene.
- Constantly take care of their nails.
If you notice any unusual symptoms on your nails you must consult a doctor. Only timely started therapy, will help in the short term to cope with the disease. To cure fungus toenails at home is possible with the specialists ' recommendations. To remove fungus quickly and effectively, and inexpensively.